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Shipping Fast with Continuous Deployment

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The following article is part of The Ultimate Guide to React Native Optimization and explains how to establish a continuous deployment setup to ship new features and verify critical bugs faster. It’s been co-authored by Expo, who shared their insights on submitting your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store with EAS Submit.

Why is this important?

Automation of the critical pieces of the development lifecycle can help you improve the overall development speed and security. The shorter the feedback loop, the faster your team can iterate on the product, which ultimately translates into greater user satisfaction. You can enjoy all of these benefits if you automate the deployment of your React Native mobile app – and in this article, we’ll tell you how to do that.

In other blog posts based on The Ultimate Guide to React Native Optimization, we touch on the following stability-related topics:

Be sure to check them out. Now let's jump into the main topic.

Why should you care about Continuous Deployment in the first place

Testing and development are only some of the activities that you have to perform when working on a digital product. Another important step is the deployment – building and distributing the application to production. Most of the time, this process is manual.

The reason for that is simple - the deployment takes time to set up and is far more complex than just running tests in the cloud. For example, on iOS, Xcode configures many settings and certificates automatically. This ensures better developer experience for someone who’s working on a native application. Developers who are used to such an approach often find it challenging to move the deployment to the cloud and set up such things as certificates manually.

The biggest downside of the manual approach is that it takes time and doesn’t scale. In a consequence, teams that don’t invest in the improvements to this process end up releasing their software at a slower pace.

A graph illustration of the process

What is Continuous Deployment (CD)?

Continuous Deployment is a strategy in which software is released frequently through a set of automated scripts.It aims at building, testing, and releasing software with greater speed and frequency.The approach helps reduce the cost, time and risk of delivering changes by allowing for more incremental updates to applications in production.

With manual deployment, you’re not shipping new features and fixes as quickly as you should.

Building and distributing your application manually slows down your development process regardless of your team size. Even in small product teams of around five people, automated build pipelines make everyone’s work easier and reduce unnecessary communication. This is especially important for remote companies.

Continuous Deployment also allows you to introduce standards and best practices focused on improving the overall performance of the application, such as leveraging Hermes to optimize app startup time. With all the steps required for the deployment in a single place, you can ensure that all releases are done the same way and enroll company-wide standards.

Ship to users with a Continuous Deployment setup that makes the build and generates the changelog

When it comes to automating the deployment of mobile applications, there are two ways to go.

One way is to write a set of scripts from scratch by interacting with <rte-code>xcode<rte-code> and <rte-code>gradle<rte-code> directly. Unfortunately, there are significant differences between the tooling of Android and iOS and not many developers have enough experience to handle this automation. On top of that, iOS is much more complicated than Android due to advanced code signing and distribution policies. And as we have said before, if you are doing it manually, even Xcode cannot help you by doing its magic.

Another way is to use a pre-existing tool in which the developers have handled the majority of use cases. Our favorite one is fastlane - a set of modular utilities written in Ruby that let you build your iOS and Android applications by writing a set of instructions in a configuration file.

After you have successfully built your binaries, it is time to deploy them to their destination. Again, you can either upload the files to a desired service (e.g. App Store) manually or using a tool that will take care of that for you. For the same reasons as before, we prefer to use an existing solution - in this case, AppCenter by Microsoft.

Visual Studio App Center logo

AppCenter is a cloud service with tooling for the automation and deployment of your application. Its biggest advantage is that many of the settings can be configured from the graphical interface. It is much easier to set up the App Store and Play Store deployments this way, rather than working with uploads from the command line.

Yet another way to automate deployment that we'd like to call out is EAS Submit, a cloud service created by Expo with first-class support for submitting React Native applications. It provides a fast workflow to easily submit your application to both stores. When used with EAS Build, it also offers automatic submissions out of the box.

For the purpose of this article, we will use fastlane and AppCenter in CircleCI pipelines to fully automate the process of app delivery to the final users.

<p-bg-col>Note: Describing the ins and outs of the setup would make this article too long. That’s why we have chosen to refer only to the specific documentation. Our goal is to provide you with an overview, and not a step-by-step guide, since the final config will be different for each project.<p-bg-col>

Setting up fastlane

Before going into the details for Android and iOS, you have to make sure that the fastlane has been installed and configured on our devices.

Next, you have to run the init command within the React Native project. We will run the <rte-code>fastlane<rte-code> command twice, from each native folder. This is because React Native is actually two separate apps at a low-level.

As a result, this command will generate setup files in both <rte-code>ios<rte-code> and <rte-code>android<rte-code> folders. The main file in each folder would be called Fastfile and it’s where all the lanes will be configured. In <rte-code>fastlane<rte-code> nomenclature, a <rte-code>lane<rte-code> is just like a workflow - a piece that groups low-level operations that deploy your application.

Low-level operations can be performed by calling <rte-code>actions<rte-code> – predefined <rte-code>fastlane<rte-code> operations that simplify your workflow. We will show you how they function in the next section.

Setting up fastlane on Android

Now that you have successfully set up fastlane in our projects, you are ready to automate the deployment of our Android application. To do so, you can choose an Android specific action - in this case <rte-code>gradle<rte-code>. As the name suggests, Gradle is an action that allows you to achieve similar results as with Android Gradle used standalone.

Our lane uses <rte-code>gradle<rte-code> action to first clean the build folder, and then assemble the APK with signature based on passed params.

Part of the android/fastlane/Fastfile that defines Android lane, named build

You should be able to run lane build by implementing:

This should produce a signed Android apk.

<p-bg-col>Note: Don’t forget to set environment variables to access the keystore. These are RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD and RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD; they have been set in the example presented above.<p-bg-col>

Setting up fastlane on iOS

With Android build automated, you’re ready to move to iOS now. iOS is a bit more complex due to the certification and provisioning profiles. They were designed by Apple to increase the security. Fortunately, <rte-code>fastlane<rte-code> ships with a few dedicated <rte-code>actions<rte-code> that help us overcome these complexities.

You can start with the <rte-code>match<rte-code> action. It helps in managing and distributing iOS certificates and provisioning profiles among your team members. You can read about the idea behind <rte-code>match<rte-code> in the code signing guide concept. Simply put, <rte-code>match<rte-code> takes care of setting up your device in a way that it can successfully build an application that will be validated and accepted by the Apple servers.

<p-bg-col>Note:Before you move any further, make sure that your init matches your project. It will generate the required certificates and store them in a central repository where your team and other automation tools can fetch them.<p-bg-col>

Another action that you could use apart from <rte-code>match<rte-code> is <rte-code>gym<rte-code>. <rte-code>Gym<rte-code> is similar to Gradle action in a way that it actually performs the build of your application. To do so, it uses the previously fetched certificates and signs settings from <rte-code>match<rte-code>.

Part of ios/fastlane/Fastfile where iOS lane is defined

You should be able to run lane build by running the same command as for Android:

This should produce an iOS application now too.

Deploying the binaries with App Center

Now that you have automated the build, you are able to automate the last part of the process - the deployment itself. To do so, you could use App Center, as discussed earlier in this guide.

<p-bg-col>Note: You have to create an account in the App Center, apps for Android and iOS in the dashboard and generate access tokens for each one of them. You will also need a special Fastlane plugin that brings an appropriate action to your toolbelt. To do so, run `fastlane add_plugin appcenter.`<p-bg-col>

Once you are done with configuring your projects, you are ready to proceed with writing the <rte-code>lane<rte-code> that will package the produced binaries and upload them to the App Center.

Part of ios/fastlane/Fastfile with upload lane

That’s it! Now it is time to deploy the app by executing deploy lane from your local machine.

Integrating your pipeline with CircleCI

Using all these commands, you are able to build and distribute the app locally. Now, you can configure your CI server so it does the same on every commit to <rte-code>main<rte-code>. To do so, you will use CircleCI – the provider we have been using throughout this guide.

Running fastlane on CI server usually requires some additional setup. Refer to the official documentation to better understand the difference between settings in local and CI environments.

To deploy an application from <rte-code>CircleCI<rte-code>, you can configure a dedicated <rte-code>workflow<rte-code> that will focus on building and deploying the application. It will contain a single job, called <rte-code>deploy_ios<rte-code>, which will execute our <rte-code>fastlane<rte-code> command.

Part of CircleCI configuration that executes Fastlane build lane

Pipeline for the Android will look quite similar. The main difference would be the executor. Instead of a macOS one, a docker react-native-android Docker image should be used.

<p-bg-col>Note: This is just a sample usage within CircleCI. In your case, it may make more sense to define filters and dependencies on other jobs to ensure the deploy_ios is run in the right point in time.<p-bg-col>

You can modify or parametrize the presented lanes to use them for other kinds of deploys, for instance for the platform-specific App Store. To learn the details of such advanced use cases, get familiar with the official fastlane documentation.

EAS Submit

Before using EAS Submit to submit to the app stores, you need a developer account for each store to generate signing credentials for your React Native application.

Generating app-signing credentials

Whether or not you have experience with generating app-signing credentials, you can use EAS CLI to do the heavy lifting for you. The CLI will handle the app-signing credentials process. 

For Android, you’ll need to generate a keystore for your app. Run the following command to begin:

The CLI will now prompt you with a series of questions. Select <rte-code>Android<rte-code> when asked for the platform, and then select <rte-code>production<rte-code> as the build profile. The keystore can be generated by selecting <rte-code>Keystore: Manage everything needed to build your project<rte-code> and <rte-code>Set up a new keystore<rte-code>. The generated keystore is stored securely on EAS servers.

 For iOS, select iOS as the platform when prompted by the CLI. It will generate a provisioning profile and a distribution certificate by signing into your Apple Developer account. This will prepare your <rte-code>production<rte-code> build to submit it for review. You can run the following command without specifying any build profile name if the default <rte-code>production<rte-code> profile is present in the <rte-code>eas.json<rte-code> file:

After the build is complete, you will be able to download the app binaires for each platform. Downloading the binary is required for the Android submission process.

The Android submission process

After building your production build with EAS Build, to submit your app to the Google Play Store, you will need to:

  • Create a Google Service Account and download its JSON private key. You can learn about this step in this guide.
  • Once you have downloaded the JSON private key, provide its path in your <rte-code>eas.json<rte-code> file:
  • Manually upload your app for the first time. This is a limitation of the Google Play Store API.
  • The <rte-code>eas build<rte-code> command from the previous section will help you generate an app binary that you can directly upload to the Play Storetart start the submission process, run the command:

The command will lead you step by step through the process of submitting the application. It will ask you to select a binary to submit. After creating the Android build from the previous section, you can just select the new build.

It will also display a summary of the provided configuration and begin the submission process. After the submission process is complete, the build will be visible through the Google Play Console.

The iOS submission process

After building your production build with EAS Build, to submit your app to the Apple App Store, you will need to run the following command:

The command will lead you step by step through the process of submitting the app. It will prompt you to:

  • Log in to your Apple Developer account and select your team. You

can also provide this information in <rte-code>eas.json<rte-code> by setting the appleId and appleTeamId fields under the submit production submission profile. The Apple ID password has to be set with the <rte-code>EXPO_APPLE_PASSWORD<rte-code> environment variable.

  • Select a binary to submit. After creating the iOS build from the previous section, you can just select the new build.
  • It will display a summary of the provided configuration and begin the submission process. After the submission process is complete, the build will be visible on the App Store Connect website.

Automating submissions

As a developer, you can save time when your app deployment process has evolved to the point where the app is automatically submitted to the app stores once a production build completes. 

EAS Build gives you automatic submissions out of the box with the <rte-code>--auto-submit<rte-code> flag. This flag tells EAS Build to pass the build along to EAS Submit upon completion. The flag will also try to use a submission profile with the same name as the selected build profile. If you don’t have a custom build profile, you can select and use the default production profile for creating a build and submitting it to the app stores.

When you run <rte-code>eas build --auto-submit<rte-code> you will be provided with a link to a submission details page, where you can track the progress of the submission. You can also find this page at any time from the Submissions section of the Expo dashboard for your project, and it is also linked from your submitted build’s detail page.

How Continuous Deployment benefits your business

In a nutshell, short feedback loop along with nightly or weekly builds let you verify features faster and ship critical bugs more often. With automated deployment you no longer waste your time on manual builds and sending the artifacts to test devices or app stores. Your stakeholders are able to verify features faster and shorten the feedback loop even further. With regular builds you will be able to catch or ship fixes to any critical bugs with ease.

If your app could use a performance boost, check out our React Native development services and give us a shout.

Mike Grabowski
Co-founder & Supervisory Board Member
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The super app landscape

What are super apps?


Super apps are multipurpose platforms that integrate a wide range of services and features to answer diverse user needs, all within a single mobile interface. Comprised of modular mini apps that users can activate at their convenience, super apps are the software equivalent of Swiss army knives that deliver a powerful mobile-first experience.

Super apps act as a one-stop shop for customers, allowing them to perform everyday tasks like shopping, paying bills, communicating, and more, all in one place. They’re a powerful tool for businesses looking to captivate users with what Mike Lazaridis, Blackberry founder who coined the term in 2010, defined as a “seamless, integrated, contextualized and efficient experience.”

A good example of such an all-round experience is WeChat, a multipurpose app developed in China. Its core features include messaging, localization, a search engine, a news feed, payments, loans, public services, transportation, and housing – and that’s by no means a finished list. It shouldn’t be surprising that the number of active users on WeChat is estimated to reach 1.102 billion by 2025.

What do super apps offer?


Super apps are made to meet the modern-day demand for smooth, convenient, all-encompassing mobile experiences. What makes them stand out, however, is the way they’re built and how they work. 

Ordinary mobile products offer a variety of features within a single application. Super apps, on the other hand, operate as a platform to deliver modular mini apps that users can activate for personalized experiences. The things that account for the super quality in super apps include:

  • range of services – while a mobile application typically serves a single purpose, a super app aims to be the only piece of software a user needs to perform a variety of actions across services or even industries, like Grab, WeChat, or Gojek.
  • all-in-one toolkit – traditional suites of applications released by tech giants like Google or Microsoft require users to switch between products to access different services. Super apps, on the other hand, shorten the customer journey by allowing users to achieve different goals within a single ecosystem without downloading multiple digital products.
  • data sharing – as opposed to ordinary apps that collect data related to a specific purpose only, super apps gather and process much more user data. While this may raise privacy and security concerns, properly-handled data sharing between respective services is a safe way to ensure an even smoother user experience.
  • financial services – there are limitless combinations of services that super apps may offer, from messaging, social networking, and e-commerce to transportation and health. However, as the examples of Gojek’s GoPay or WeChat Pay within WeChat Wallet show, built-in payment is one of the most prevalent. Super app users are usually required to provide their payment information only once for cross-service transactions – and they don’t need to leave the app to finalize the payment.

What’s the global landscape of super apps?


Ever since the launch of WeChat in 2011, super apps have been on the rise. There has been a notable difference between the emerging and developed economies’ approach to this kind of digital products, though. 

Super apps have taken emerging markets by storm. Among the most notable all-in-one applications released in the last decade are Southeast Asia's leading platforms Grab and MoMo, Latin America-based Rappi, Middle East’s first super app Careem, and WhatsApp, which started turning into a super app in Brazil by launched in-app business directory and shopping features. There are a few reasons why super apps have been booming in developing countries:

  • mobile-first nations – the emerging economies didn’t experience the desktop revolution the same way the developer markets did. Only once smartphones hit the market did they get to easily access the internet, which made many Asian nations mobile-first consumers and contributed to the wide adoption of super apps.
  • unbanked population – a large percentage of unbanked populations was the issue that the emerging economies have struggled with for a long time. To give you an idea, in 2018, over 220 million adults in China, 190 million in India, and 99 million in Pakistan didn’t have a bank account. With financial services often lying at their core, super apps allow users to access their assets and make purchases through mobile devices.
  • regulators’ support – governments in emerging economies have been supporting super apps to drive technological advancement together. For example, WeChat’s been subsidized by the Chinese government since its creation in 2011, while Jakarta entered into a partnership with Grab, Gojek, and other local startups to accelerate the launch of the capital’s smart city project. 

While super apps have been proliferating across emerging markets, they’ve been struggling to gain traction in the West. Among the reasons why are:

  • consumers’ concerns with data security and privacy,
  • rigid data sharing and antitrust laws,
  • cut-throat competition between existing players in most verticals.

What does the super app market look like now, and how will it evolve?


As of early 2023, 68% of the world’s population uses a mobile phone. Over the past year, the community of mobile users grew by 168 million individuals, and over 92% of all consumers use a mobile device to access the internet. These trends make the future look bright for businesses behind all sorts of mobile applications, including super apps, and translate into some promising numbers:

  • In 2022, the global super apps market size was valued at 61.30 billion U.S. dollars and was expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 27.8% until 2030. 
  • Gartner predicts that by 2027, over half of the population will be using multiple super apps daily, and their adoption will take place on both personal and enterprise levels. 
  • The survey conducted by statistics bureaus of the US, UK, Germany, and Australia estimated the number of potential day-one users for super apps is estimated to reach 98 million, which would result in an estimated 3.25 trillion U.S. dollars in annual spending on a super app by early-adoption users.

Super apps are widely adopted in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa, but developed economies aren’t exempt from this global tech trend. The key to success in the US and Europe is to understand the distinctive needs and qualities of the Western markets. Having that in mind, Deloitte proposed the following direction for super apps in developed countries:

  • Having an established brand with developed user trust will make the organization’s entry into the super app ecosystem smoother, which seems promising for medium businesses and enterprises.
  • While banking and insurance-related features are indispensable in super apps, social media, ride-share, and payment companies are more likely to succeed in the Western market.
  • Unlike in the emerging economies, in the West, it seems unlikely to have one dominant super app; instead, we’re more likely to witness the rise of vertical-specific super apps, which means more opportunities for business growth.
  • Western super apps won’t aim to oust traditional mobile apps, and their competitive advantage is more likely to rely on giving users the ability to “manage fewer accounts, transact faster through consistent payments, save money using loyalty and rewards, and experience a better product enabled by cross-service insights and advice.”
  • Bearing in mind data privacy concerns, super apps targeted at the developed economies’ consumers will likely be more transparent about data use, and their functioning may require closer collaboration with regulators on the business's side.
  • The US and Europe won’t focus on the B2C market alone; we’re likely to witness there the emergence of more B2B super apps that will drive value “through data-driven insights, automated advice, and seamless integration of businesses’ platforms into a single workspace.”
Business impact of super apps

What are the business benefits of super apps?


Super apps have dominated emerging markets, and it’s only a matter of time before their popularity grows in the West. If you’re still wondering if your organization should jump on the super app bandwagon, consider the following business benefits:

  • increased customer acquisition – compared to traditional mobile applications, super apps offer a much wider range of services that cater to the needs of diverse audiences, which translates into a bigger potential user base. As your super app grows, it’s also possible to convert the existing users into consumers of a new service at practically zero cost, much like Gojek did.
  • improved user engagement – providing consolidated services in one place and consistently expanding the offering with new features gives you more touchpoints for interaction with users and makes it easier to keep them engaged. In the words of Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber’s CEO, “when we see customers using more than one product, their engagement with the platform more than doubles.” All of that boils down to bigger profits.
  • business stability and sustainable growth – this benefit relates to the ones we’ve already discussed, but it’s worth paying special attention to it due to the current economic landscape. Super apps embrace vertical growth by encouraging a shift from a product to a platform mindset. Offering a range of services may help your business survive when a given vertical suffers from an unexpected breakdown, as was the case with travel during the pandemic. 
  • increased revenue – services within the super app ecosystem can be provided by either you as the app owner or the third-party partners. Opening up your space to various retailers lets you monetize your product easily.
  • faster bug fixing – you can release fixes and improvements Over The Air (OTA), which means no hassle with Google Play or App Store review processes. Thanks to super app configuration, mini apps can download and install updates instantly without rebuilding the whole app.
  • team independence and development efficiency – while developing super apps in separate repositories, the host of the super app provides the necessary tools and infrastructure. The teams can work independently, which results in faster development, fewer code conflicts, and increased ownership in product teams.
  • security despite users’ concerns with data privacy, a super app is a sandbox where developers can play without breaking anything. You can build an environment where you mock some sensitive parts of your codebase. As a result, the environment is more secure, and external providers can move faster and contribute features to your app.

What makes super apps popular with users?


Super apps collectively have over 2.4 billion active users all over the world. Their enormous popularity in the B2C market can be attributed to:

  • ability to coordinate different aspects of everyday life in one place,
  • convenience and engaging experience without the need to learn how to use multiple apps,
  • time and storage saving resulting from having one user profile and downloading a single app for all services,
  • minimized risk of losing sensitive information when switching between service providers.

These benefits speak to those who haven’t yet had a chance to use a super app. According to a report by PYMNTS and PayPal, seven in ten global consumers express interest in a solution allowing them to manage payments and other everyday activities through a centralized tool. There’s much untapped potential in the developed economies, so why not be among the first to unlock it?

What are the concerns and challenges that come with super apps?


While super apps offer numerous benefits to both businesses and consumers, they come with some serious challenges as well:

  • data privacy – the multitude of services available within super apps is actually a mixed blessing for many users, especially in the West. Having heard hundreds of stories about data privacy abuse and data breaches from big tech companies, consumers are hesitant to share all their personal data with a single service provider, even if it comes with invaluable benefits.
  • regulatory issues – as a result of data privacy infringements, regulators around the world are implementing laws to further protect personal data and restrict sharing of user data between service providers. Another challenge for businesses behind super apps may be the competition legislations adopted in developed economies.  
  • user experience – in terms of UX, the main challenge for the teams behind the mini apps that make the super app is to strike a balance between consistency and uniqueness. On the one hand, the consistent look and feel account for a positive user experience, drive adoption and retention, and foster a sense of safety. On the other, super apps by definition are made to cater to the diverse needs of heterogeneous audiences, all at once. As each demographic segment interacts with digital products differently, the question remains how to maximize usability without overcomplicating the user experience.
Super apps and your organization

What does moving into the super app ecosystem mean for your organization?


Digital products are not developed in a vacuum. The way they’re designed and operate depends on many factors, one of which is communication between the development team. 

As stated by Melvin E. Conway: "Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure." In simple words, Conway’s law means that the organizational structure is often mirrored in software design. For example, large corporations still using legacy technologies are much more likely to build stiff monoliths – and so their product reflects the organizational concerns more than the actual user needs.

A tool to tackle this issue is the reverse Conway maneuver, according to which the desired software architecture is what affects the organizational structure, not the other way round. This way, teams are capable of building digital products optimized for changing user requirements and business objectives, just as is the case with super app development.

The super app approach has a profound impact on how you organize the work of your developers. It enables respective teams to independently develop and deploy parts of the host application as mini apps and gives more room for third-party contributions. The way the super app architecture influences team composition and the development process is a great example of the reverse Conway law in practice.

What should you consider when choosing a super app development partner?


Hiring a tech partner to build your super app can be a real money and time-saver. It takes the burden of internal recruitment from you if you lack in-house expertise in this area and opens up possibilities for upskilling. When looking for a reliable super app development company, we advise looking for the following qualities:

  • experience building super apps – it may sound obvious, but checking if the tech partner’s portfolio includes projects like yours is key. Super apps are a special kind of mobile applications, so the software development company of your choice should know its way around building mini apps and integrating them into whole ecosystems. If you’re wondering about our experience, check out how we improved the performance of MoMo’s super app and mini apps by migrating their architecture to Re.Pack
  • consultancy approach – what sets a good tech partner apart from ordinary outsourced teams is proactivity in matching tech solutions with your needs. You should be looking for a company that’s eager to take a closer look at your current product and situation first, without assessing it as good or bad, but focusing on the potential for improvement. Only once the tech partner understands your pain points and objectives better can they suggest a bespoke mix of technology and solutions. 
  • going beyond development – stepping into the super app ecosystem is not a purely technical choice; it also entails a certain degree of organizational change. That’s why the right tech partner should be able to outline the product roadmap and propose relevant changes to processes, workflows, and peopleware.
  • knowledge-sharing – if your in-house team doesn’t have much experience building super app ecosystems, it might be a good idea to look for a tech partner whose developers will share their specialist knowledge with your squad. This will make the long-term development work more efficient and lay the foundations for sustainable business growth.

At Callstack, we’ve got super app development skills and a business-oriented proactive approach. Get in touch with us, and let’s find out how we can help your business succeed with the next big super app.

Super app development in practice

What are key tech considerations for super app development?


The unique experience that super apps offer comes with some special development considerations. Here’s a brief overview of the main factors, which you can read more about in the tech FAQ:

  • tech stack – there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to building a robust and sustainable super app, so you can go for native or cross-platform development, depending on your needs and capabilities. Our experience shows that choosing React Native and Re.Pack means optimal user experience and the ability to leverage code splitting for streamlined development and simplified management of your super app.
  • consistent performance – whether you’re in charge of all services or you’re cooperating with a third-party partner, all functionalities within your super app should have equal operating speed and effectiveness, even on low-end devices and in the low-speed internet environment.
  • user-friendly design – the abundance of features can be overwhelming unless you minimize the friction with a consistent design. To captivate the users, your super app’s design should be visually appealing yet clean and intuitive, especially if you’re planning to win the hearts of Western users, who are accustomed to straightforward navigation and minimalist design.
  • security ensuring user safety should be a priority for every tech business; however, with super apps storing all personal information in one place, their creators should put in even more effort to prevent security breaches. The precautions your development team can take include pen tests, 2FA, code obfuscation, data encryption, and more.

What approach to super app development can you adopt? 


Digital products come in all shapes and sizes, which is why the common answer to many questions in software development is “it depends”. Super app development is no different, as depending on your preferences, you can choose from the following approaches:

  • Native Android application with Feature Delivery
  • Native iOS application with WebViews
  • Cross-platform React Native application with Metro
  • Cross-platform React Native application with Webpack and Re.Pack

At Callstack, though, we recommend going for the latter because it proves to be the most beneficial. Compared to other tools and solutions available on the market, Re.Pack allows you to enjoy:

  • reusable features
  • smaller JS bundle size
  • OTA updates of on-demand features
  • time and cost-effective development experience
  • ability to leverage third-party contributions

If you’re wondering how it works in practice, we encourage you to check out our super-app-showcase.

What exactly is Callstack’s super-app-template?


Our super-app-showcase is a repository demonstrating how to structure a super app when working with Re.Pack and Module Federation to achieve the best business results. It highlights various solutions and best practices developers can employ to tackle challenges and streamline the super app development process. 

The super-app-showcase comprises:

  • the host app, which is the main container for the micro-frontends,
  • the shell app, which functions like a blueprint of the host app with shared dependencies,
  • a few mini apps, each dedicated to a single service booking, shopping, dashboard, and news – the latter being stored in a separate repository. 

You can learn more about the architecture and the intricacies of the template from the case study published on our blog.

How does super app development with Callstack's super-app-template influence your team’s work and developer experience?


By definition, a super app is built as a platform “to deliver a mini apps ecosystem that users can choose from to activate for consistent and personalized app experiences.” This modular approach allows a large development team to split into smaller squads, each focused on a respective mini app, and enables third-party contributions to be seamlessly integrated into the final product. 

When implemented right, such a workflow may lead to greater flexibility, independence, and development speed. Among the steps to optimize developer experience in the super app setup, there are:

  • creating and exposing a sandbox environment that closely resembles your host app, like the shell app in our super-app-showcase,
  • if need be, creating an SDK that contains common and repeatedly used elements,
  • organizing the codebase into a monorepo, which is an optional step.

Using Re.Pack and our super-app-template to build your super app makes the application of these tips in developers’ work much easier.

The super app landscape
Business impact of super apps
Super apps and your organization
Super app development in practice

What are super apps?


Super apps are multipurpose platforms that integrate a wide range of services and features to answer diverse user needs, all within a single mobile interface. Comprised of modular mini apps that users can activate at their convenience, super apps are the software equivalent of Swiss army knives that deliver a powerful mobile-first experience.

Super apps act as a one-stop shop for customers, allowing them to perform everyday tasks like shopping, paying bills, communicating, and more, all in one place. They’re a powerful tool for businesses looking to captivate users with what Mike Lazaridis, Blackberry founder who coined the term in 2010, defined as a “seamless, integrated, contextualized and efficient experience.”

A good example of such an all-round experience is WeChat, a multipurpose app developed in China. Its core features include messaging, localization, a search engine, a news feed, payments, loans, public services, transportation, and housing – and that’s by no means a finished list. It shouldn’t be surprising that the number of active users on WeChat is estimated to reach 1.102 billion by 2025.

What do super apps offer?


Super apps are made to meet the modern-day demand for smooth, convenient, all-encompassing mobile experiences. What makes them stand out, however, is the way they’re built and how they work. 

Ordinary mobile products offer a variety of features within a single application. Super apps, on the other hand, operate as a platform to deliver modular mini apps that users can activate for personalized experiences. The things that account for the super quality in super apps include:

  • range of services – while a mobile application typically serves a single purpose, a super app aims to be the only piece of software a user needs to perform a variety of actions across services or even industries, like Grab, WeChat, or Gojek.
  • all-in-one toolkit – traditional suites of applications released by tech giants like Google or Microsoft require users to switch between products to access different services. Super apps, on the other hand, shorten the customer journey by allowing users to achieve different goals within a single ecosystem without downloading multiple digital products.
  • data sharing – as opposed to ordinary apps that collect data related to a specific purpose only, super apps gather and process much more user data. While this may raise privacy and security concerns, properly-handled data sharing between respective services is a safe way to ensure an even smoother user experience.
  • financial services – there are limitless combinations of services that super apps may offer, from messaging, social networking, and e-commerce to transportation and health. However, as the examples of Gojek’s GoPay or WeChat Pay within WeChat Wallet show, built-in payment is one of the most prevalent. Super app users are usually required to provide their payment information only once for cross-service transactions – and they don’t need to leave the app to finalize the payment.

What’s the global landscape of super apps?


Ever since the launch of WeChat in 2011, super apps have been on the rise. There has been a notable difference between the emerging and developed economies’ approach to this kind of digital products, though. 

Super apps have taken emerging markets by storm. Among the most notable all-in-one applications released in the last decade are Southeast Asia's leading platforms Grab and MoMo, Latin America-based Rappi, Middle East’s first super app Careem, and WhatsApp, which started turning into a super app in Brazil by launched in-app business directory and shopping features. There are a few reasons why super apps’ have been booming in developing countries:

  • mobile-first nations – the emerging economies didn’t experience the desktop revolution the same way the developer markets did. Only once smartphones hit the market did they get to easily access the internet, which made many Asian nations mobile-first consumers and contributed to the wide adoption of super apps.
  • unbanked population – a large percentage of unbanked populations was the issue that the emerging economies have struggled with for a long time. To give you an idea, in 2018, over 220 million adults in China, 190 million in India, and 99 million in Pakistan didn’t have a bank account. With financial services often lying at their core, super apps allow users to access their assets and make purchases through mobile devices.
  • regulators’ support – governments in emerging economies have been supporting super apps to drive technological advancement together. For example, WeChat’s been subsidized by the Chinese government since its creation in 2011, while Jakarta entered into a partnership with Grab, Gojek, and other local startups to accelerate the launch of the capital’s smart city project. 

While super apps have been proliferating across emerging markets, they’ve been struggling to gain traction in the West. Among the reasons why are:

  • consumers’ concerns with data security and privacy
  • rigid data sharing and antitrust laws
  • cut-throat competition between existing players in most verticals.

What does the super app market look like now, and how will it evolve?


As of early 2023, 68% of the world’s population uses a mobile phone. Over the past year, the community of mobile users grew by 168 million individuals, and over 92% of all consumers use a mobile device to access the internet. These trends make the future look bright for businesses behind all sorts of mobile applications, including super apps, and translate into some promising numbers:

  • In 2022, the global super apps market size was valued at 61.30 billion U.S. dollars and was expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 27.8% until 2030. 
  • Gartner predicts that by 2027, over half of the population will be using multiple super apps daily, and their adoption will take place on both personal and enterprise levels. 
  • The survey conducted by statistics bureaus of the US, UK, Germany, and Australia estimated the number of potential day-one users for super apps is estimated to reach 98 million, which would result in an estimated 3.25 trillion U.S. dollars in annual spending on a super app by early-adoption users.

Super apps are widely adopted in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa, but developed economies aren’t exempt from this global tech trend. The key to success in the US and Europe is to understand the distinctive needs and qualities of the Western markets. Having that in mind, Deloitte proposed the following direction for super apps in developed countries:

  • Having an established brand with developed user trust will make the organization’s entry into the super app ecosystem smoother, which seems promising for medium businesses and enterprises.
  • While banking and insurance-related features are indispensable in super apps, social media, ride-share, and payment companies are more likely to succeed in the Western market.
  • Unlike in the emerging economies, in the West, it seems unlikely to have one dominant super app; instead, we’re more likely to witness the rise of vertical-specific super apps, which means more opportunities for business growth.
  • Western super apps won’t aim to oust traditional mobile apps, and their competitive advantage is more likely to rely on giving users the ability to “manage fewer accounts, transact faster through consistent payments, save money using loyalty and rewards, and experience a better product enabled by cross-service insights and advice.”
  • Bearing in mind data privacy concerns, super apps targeted at the developed economies’ consumers will likely be more transparent about data use, and their functioning may require closer collaboration with regulators on the business's side.
  • The US and Europe won’t focus on the B2C market alone; we’re likely to witness there the emergence of more B2B super apps that will drive value “through data-driven insights, automated advice, and seamless integration of businesses’ platforms into a single workspace.”

What are the business benefits of super apps?


Super apps have dominated emerging markets, and it’s only a matter of time before their popularity grows in the West. If you’re still wondering if your organization should jump on the super app bandwagon, consider the following business benefits:

  • increased customer acquisition – compared to traditional mobile applications, super apps offer a much wider range of services that cater to the needs of diverse audiences, which translates into a bigger potential user base. As your super app grows, it’s also possible to convert the existing users into consumers of a new service at practically zero cost, much like Gojek did.
  • improved user engagement – providing consolidated services in one place and consistently expanding the offering with new features gives you more touchpoints for interaction with users and makes it easier to keep them engaged. In the words of Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber’s CEO, “when we see customers using more than one product, their engagement with the platform more than doubles.” All of that boils down to bigger profits.
  • business stability and sustainable growth – this benefit relates to the ones we’ve already discussed, but it’s worth paying special attention to it due to the current economic landscape. Super apps embrace vertical growth by encouraging a shift from a product to a platform mindset. Offering a range of services may help your business survive when a given vertical suffers from an unexpected breakdown, as was the case with travel during the pandemic. 
  • increased revenue – services within the super app ecosystem can be provided by either you as the app owner or the third-party partners. Opening up your space to various retailers lets you monetize your product easily.
  • faster bug fixing – you can release fixes and improvements Over The Air (OTA), which means no hassle with Google Play or App Store review processes. Thanks to super app configuration, mini apps can download and install updates instantly without rebuilding the whole app.
  • team independence and development efficiency – while developing super apps in separate repositories, the host of the super app provides the necessary tools and infrastructure. The teams can work independently, which results in faster development, fewer code conflicts, and increased ownership in product teams.
  • security despite users’ concerns with data privacy, a super app is a sandbox where developers can play without breaking anything. You can build an environment where you mock some sensitive parts of your codebase. As a result, the environment is more secure, and external providers can move faster and contribute features to your app.

What makes super apps popular with users?


Super apps collectively have over 2.4 billion active users all over the world. Their enormous popularity in the B2C market can be attributed to:

  • ability to coordinate different aspects of everyday life in one place,
  • convenience and engaging experience without the need to learn how to use multiple apps,
  • time and storage saving resulting from having one user profile and downloading a single app for all services,
  • minimized risk of losing sensitive information when switching between service providers.

These benefits speak to those who haven’t yet had a chance to use a super app. According to a report by PYMNTS and PayPal, seven in ten global consumers express interest in a solution allowing them to manage payments and other everyday activities through a centralized tool. There’s much untapped potential in the developed economies, so why not be among the first to unlock it?

What are the concerns and challenges that come with super apps?


While super apps offer numerous benefits to both businesses and consumers, they come with some serious challenges as well:

  • data privacy – the multitude of services available within super apps is actually a mixed blessing for many users, especially in the West. Having heard hundreds of stories about data privacy abuse and data breaches from big tech companies, consumers are hesitant to share all their personal data with a single service provider, even if it comes with invaluable benefits.
  • regulatory issues – as a result of data privacy infringements, regulators around the world are implementing laws to further protect personal data and restrict sharing of user data between service providers. Another challenge for businesses behind super apps may be the competition legislations adopted in developed economies.  
  • user experience – in terms of UX, the main challenge for the teams behind the mini apps that make the super app is to strike a balance between consistency and uniqueness. On the one hand, the consistent look and feel account for a positive user experience, drive adoption and retention, and foster a sense of safety. On the other, super apps by definition are made to cater to the diverse needs of heterogeneous audiences, all at once. As each demographic segment interacts with digital products differently, the question remains how to maximize usability without overcomplicating the user experience.

What does moving into the super app ecosystem mean for your organization?


Digital products are not developed in a vacuum. The way they’re designed and operate depends on many factors, one of which is communication between the development team. 

As stated by Melvin E. Conway: "Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure." In simple words, Conway’s law means that the organizational structure is often mirrored in software design. For example, large corporations still using legacy technologies are much more likely to build stiff monoliths – and so their product reflects the organizational concerns more than the actual user needs.

A tool to tackle this issue is the reverse Conway maneuver, according to which the desired software architecture is what affects the organizational structure, not the other way round. This way, teams are capable of building digital products optimized for changing user requirements and business objectives, just as is the case with super app development.

The super app approach has a profound impact on how you organize the work of your developers. It enables respective teams to independently develop and deploy parts of the host application as mini apps and gives more room for third-party contributions. The way the super app architecture influences team composition and the development process is a great example of the reverse Conway law in practice.

What should you consider when choosing a super app development partner?


Hiring a tech partner to build your super app can be a real money and time-saver. It takes the burden of internal recruitment from you if you lack in-house expertise in this area and opens up possibilities for upskilling. When looking for a reliable super app development company, we advise looking for the following qualities:

  • experience building super apps – it may sound obvious, but checking if the tech partner’s portfolio includes projects like yours is key. Super apps are a special kind of mobile applications, so the software development company of your choice should know its way around building mini apps and integrating them into whole ecosystems. If you’re wondering about our experience, check out how we improved the performance of MoMo’s super app and mini apps by migrating their architecture to Re.Pack
  • consultancy approach – what sets a good tech partner apart from ordinary outsourced teams is proactivity in matching tech solutions with your needs. You should be looking for a company that’s eager to take a closer look at your current product and situation first, without assessing it as good or bad, but focusing on the potential for improvement. Only once the tech partner understands your pain points and objectives better can they suggest a bespoke mix of technology and solutions. 
  • going beyond development – stepping into the super app ecosystem is not a purely technical choice; it also entails a certain degree of organizational change. That’s why the right tech partner should be able to outline the product roadmap and propose relevant changes to processes, workflows, and peopleware.
  • knowledge-sharing – if your in-house team doesn’t have much experience building super app ecosystems, it might be a good idea to look for a tech partner whose developers will share their specialist knowledge with your squad. This will make the long-term development work more efficient and lay the foundations for sustainable business growth.

At Callstack, we’ve got super app development skills and a business-oriented proactive approach. Get in touch with us, and let’s find out how we can help your business succeed with the next big super app.

What are key tech considerations for super app development?


The unique experience that super apps offer comes with some special development considerations. Here’s a brief overview of the main factors, which you can read more about in the tech FAQ:

  • tech stack – there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to building a robust and sustainable super app, so you can go for native or cross-platform development, depending on your needs and capabilities. Our experience shows that choosing React Native and Re.Pack means optimal user experience and the ability to leverage code splitting for streamlined development and simplified management of your super app.
  • consistent performance – whether you’re in charge of all services or you’re cooperating with a third-party partner, all functionalities within your super app should have equal operating speed and effectiveness, even on low-end devices and in the low-speed internet environment.
  • user-friendly design – the abundance of features can be overwhelming unless you minimize the friction with a consistent design. To captivate the users, your super app’s design should be visually appealing yet clean and intuitive, especially if you’re planning to win the hearts of Western users, who are accustomed to straightforward navigation and minimalist design.
  • security ensuring user safety should be a priority for every tech business; however, with super apps storing all personal information in one place, their creators should put in even more effort to prevent security breaches. The precautions your development team can take include pen tests, 2FA, code obfuscation, data encryption, and more.

What approach to super app development can you adopt? 


Digital products come in all shapes and sizes, which is why the common answer to many questions in software development is “it depends”. Super app development is no different, as depending on your preferences, you can choose from the following approaches:

  • Native Android application with Feature Delivery
  • Native iOS application with WebViews
  • Cross-platform React Native application with Metro
  • Cross-platform React Native application with Webpack and Re.Pack

At Callstack, though, we recommend going for the latter because it proves to be the most beneficial. Compared to other tools and solutions available on the market, Re.Pack allows you to enjoy:

  • reusable features
  • smaller JS bundle size
  • OTA updates of on-demand features
  • time and cost-effective development experience
  • ability to leverage third-party contributions

If you’re wondering how it works in practice, we encourage you to check out our super-app-template.

What exactly is Callstack’s super-app-template?


Our super-app-template is a repository demonstrating how to structure a super app when working with Re.Pack and Module Federation to achieve the best business results. It highlights various solutions and best practices developers can employ to tackle challenges and streamline the super app development process. 

The super-app-template comprises:

  • the host app, which is the main container for the micro-frontends
  • the shell app, which functions like a blueprint of the host app with shared dependencies
  • a few mini apps, each dedicated to a single service booking, shopping, dashboard, and news – the latter being stored in a separate repository. 

You can learn more about the architecture and the intricacies of the template from the case study published on our blog.

What does the super app How does super app development with Callstack template influence your team’s work and developer experience? look like now, and how will it evolve?


By definition, a super app is built as a platform “to deliver a mini apps ecosystem that users can choose from to activate for consistent and personalized app experiences.” This modular approach allows a large development team to split into smaller squads, each focused on a respective mini app, and enables third-party contributions to be seamlessly integrated into the final product. 

When implemented right, such a workflow may lead to greater flexibility, independence, and development speed. Among the steps to optimize developer experience in the super app setup, there are:

  • creating and exposing a sandbox environment that closely resembles your host app, like the shell app in our super-app-template,
  • if need be, creating an SDK that contains common and repeatedly used elements,
  • organizing the codebase into a monorepo, which is an optional step.

Using Re.Pack and our super-app-template to build your super app makes the application of these tips in developers’ work much easier.

Bundle React Native apps using Webpack features

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