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Migration from Native and React.js to React Native

Migrate your native and React web apps to React Native in a way that best suits your company’s needs.

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migration stages

We will help you at every stage of migration to React Native

Let us, community-trusted React & React Native experts, take care of your migration process. No matter if:

You are at the planning stage of migration
You’ve started migration but something went wrong
You want to evaluate if you migrated your app well

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migration approaches

Choose the right software development approach

To properly proceed the React Native migration, you need to choose the right software development approach


Migration with Greenfield development

Migration with Greenfield development

Allows developers to create apps in a new, fresh environment, from scratch, with no legacy code around. 

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Migration with Brownfield development

Migration with Brownfield development

Allows developers to incrementally adopt React Native into their native codebases, maintaining their business continuity.

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Conversion from React web to React Native

Conversion from React web to React Native

Port your React web apps into React Native and expand them with cross-platform abilities!

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Implement the same React Native feature into multiple native apps simultaneously illustration

Greenfield development

Allows developers to create apps in a new, fresh environment, from scratch, with no legacy code around. 

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Implement the same React Native feature into multiple native apps simultaneously illustration

Brownfield development

Allows developers to incrementally adopt React Native into their native codebases,  maintaining their business continuity.

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Feature parity on all your platforms illustration


Migration with
Greenfield development

Allows developers to create apps in a new, fresh environment, from scratch, with no legacy code around. 

Feature parity on all your platforms illustration


Migration with Brownfield development

Allows developers to incrementally adopt React Native into their native codebases,  maintaining their business continuity.

Feature parity on all your platforms illustration


Conversion from React web to React Native

Port your React web apps into React Native and expand them with cross-platform abilities!

Converting React web to React Native

The process of converting React web app to React Native is quite simple and takes four steps to complete:
Install react-native in separate folder
(preferably monorepo)
Set up the navigation
Import the common code from the React app
Use “platform extensions” (.native.js, .ios.js, .android.js, .web.js) to resolve the differences between platforms

Need help with migration to React Native?

business benefits

Why React Native?

Migrating your React and native apps to React Native can bring your company a lot of business and tech benefits like development cost reduction, quick extension to new platforms or faster development process just to name a few. To learn more about the benefits of this framework, check out the page fully dedicated to React Native Mobile development.

Why work with us?

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Experienced in working on demanding React & React Native projects

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Creators and maintainers of many Open Source libraries used by millions

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Core Contributors to React Native and official Facebook partners

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Organizers of the biggest React Native conference - React Native EU


Let's work together!

Need help with migrating your apps to React Native? Contact us to discuss your project.

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