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If you don’t know what Flow is, it’s a static type-checker for JavaScript. I love it because it detects errors in my code even before I run it and provides awesome autocomplete experience.
Now, I’m obsessed with always type-checking my code, and I’ve come across many roadblocks when doing that, because there aren’t always examples available. I’ll share what I’ve learned during my usage of Flow with React, and hopefully it’ll improve your experience with Flow with React code.

I’m assuming you’ve already followed the guide on flow’s website and know about basic usage. If you’ve not, go read it and then come back to this article.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Stateless Function Components
Type-checking stateless function components is just like type-checking plain functions. A stateless function component takes the props object as its argument. So we just have to specify the type for it.
For example:
Simple, right? Now when you don’t pass the correct props, flow warns:

You can also type-check the children prop. For example:
For normal components accepting children, this should be fine. However, you may add a more specific type definition if you need.
If you want to use React’s default props, flow doesn’t understand them with function components, so you need to use the default parameters syntax. For example:
Also note the | character at the beginning and end of the type definition. This is the exact object type syntax. Using it will make sure that you don’t pass any extra props to the component that it doesn’t receive. You could leave it out, but it is nice to have because it can catch typos etc.
Class Components
A class component can have props and state, so we need to specify types for a bit more.
Now, when we forget to pass a prop, Flow warns:

This is a bit confusing since it warns in the component we’re passing the props to rather than where we’re passing the props, but if you run Flow from CLI or have CI setup in your repo, you can catch this error.
Note that here we’re not passing a time prop, but since it’s in the defaultProps, Flow understands that and doesn’t warn.
Since we’ve declared the type of state here, if you forget to declare a property, declare wrong type or do setState with wrong type, flow will warn you.

Note that the caveat mentioned about children props above still apply here.
If your component doesn’t accept props, you can define it as just {}(empty object). If it doesn’t have state, you can leave it out:
Transferring Props
Sometimes we have components which consume one or more props, and transfer rest of the props to another component using the spread operator. The intermediate component could be a simple wrapper which does something like data fetching and passes a prop to underlying component, or just changes some behaviour.
For example:
It is not clear how to avoid having to declare all the prop types again in the intermediate component. But fear not, it’s possible.
Flow has a feature called generics, which lets you declare an abstract type without having to know what’s inside. Check the docs on the Flow website to know more about it. Flow also has another feature where you can specify the type as * to let flow infer the type. We can combine both to achieve what we want.
For example, say we have an Article component, and a wrapper IntermediateArticle component, and we want to avoid declaring all the prop types again in IntermediateArticle component. We can do something like this:
Notice the line: function IntermediateArticle<T: *>(props: IntermediateArticleProps<T>)
Here, we’re declaring an abstract type, and by saying T: *, we’re telling flow to infer it. So Flow basically infers the rest of the props and we don’t have to declare the prop types of Article again.
Flow still gives us error when we forget to pass some props:

For class components, we need to do some modifications:
And flow will warn us when we forget to pass props:

Higher Order Components
HOCs are common pattern in React where we have a function which takes a React component, adds some functionality, and then returns an enhanced component.
Sometimes we inject a new prop to the wrapped component. To type-check such an HOC, we can annotate it as follows:
Here we take advantage of abstract types as well as generics.
Static type-checking in JavaScript is pretty new, and there’s so much to explore and improve. Even though flow is pretty good at inferring types, it’s not always obvious how to type-check your code. I hope this article was a good starting point for you to start introducing flow to your React codebase. If you have any tips or improvements, please let me know.This is the first part of a two part series and only covers React. If you want to read about type-checking Redux, see part 2.