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Delightful UX with React Native

Modern applications contain a lot of beautiful designs and highly focus on user experience. The basic React Native knowledge is in most cases not enough to ship a 5-star store application. This module is designed for developers who already have some experience in writing React Native but want to extend their knowledge in terms of writing beautiful and usable applications. We’ll tackle navigation and animation-related topics that can make all the difference for the end users of the application.

8 hours
React Native


Training schedule

a. Advanced animations with `react-native-reanimated`

React Native Reanimated is a library that re-implements React Native Animated API. It provides a more comprehensive, low level abstraction for the Animated library API to be built on top of and hence allow to run animation on the native thread to provide much greater flexibility especially when it comes to gesture-based interactions. In this section we’ll show how to create nice 60 FPS animations with the mentioned library.

b. Flawless gestures with `react-native-gesture-handler`

React Native Gesture Handler provides native-driven gesture management APIs for building the best possible touch-based experiences in React Native. With this library, gestures are no longer controlled by the JS responder system but instead are recognized and tracked in the UI thread. We’ll teach the audience to make touch interactions and gesture tracking not only smooth but also dependable and deterministic.

c. Theming

The number of apps that support multiple themes is increasing every day. With the introduction of Context API, handling these becomes very easy. It’s even easier with `react-theme-provider`. We’ll implement light and dark modes to the app using the mentioned tools.

d. Accessibility and internationalization

Last but not least is the accessibility section. We’ll teach participants how to write React Native apps that work well with screen readers like VoiceOver and TalkBack.


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